University of Utah Transportation Master Plan Needs Comments

The University of Utah implemented a sidewalks are for everyone program for sharing campus pathways. Photo by Dave Iltis
The University of Utah implemented a sidewalks are for everyone program for sharing campus pathways. Photo by Dave Iltis

December 3, 2014 – The University of Utah is currently formulating a transportation master plan. The plan will encompass roads, transit, parking, biking, walking, and other non-motorized transportation and will guide U of U transportation planning for the foreseeable future. Comments are being taken until December 15, 2014.

Input from cyclists is needed to ensure safe and accessible commuting and recreational options at the University of Utah.

The plan is sponsored by the University of Utah Facilities Management Department, Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Utah Transit Authority (UTA), and Salt Lake City.

Once the draft plan is formulated, there will be a community open house from 5-6:30 pm on January 8, 2015 in the Olpin Union Den as well as at the Traffic and Transportation Committee meeting in January (no details available at this time – email [email protected] for information).

For more information and to comment, visit

Please see the interactive map.

To review the previously completed Bicycle Master Plan to utilize in comments, visit:

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