October 5, 2015 – The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) today announced 2015 and 2016 funding opportunities. Grants are available to local governments in many areas. The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program (CMAQ) provide funding for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. $35 million in funding is available in total. Approximately $9.4 million of this is available for CMAQ and TAP programs, some of which may be awarded for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.
Cyclists are encouraged to work with their local government to encourage them to apply for projects in their community.
WFRC sent out this call for applications today:
Funding Programs Announcement
The Wasatch Front Regional Council provides resources directly to our communities and partners across the region. We are pleased to announce this year’s opportunities, totaling nearly $35 million in funding and technical assistance.
We are requesting letters of intent from interested applicants. The following provides a brief timeline for application deadlines:
Letters of Intent Due- October 29th, 2015
Applications Due- January 14th, 2016
Projects Recommended- Spring 2016
We encourage you to get in touch with the WFRC staff person identified for each program if you have any questions regarding a project concept, the application process or eligibility requirements. Don’t worry if you’re unsure of which program to apply for- just give us a call or submit a simple letter of intent and our staff will work with you to help determine which one could best meet your needs.
We have listed information below regarding each of our programs and additional information can be found on our website at http://wfrc.org.
Andrew Gruber
Executive Director
Wasatch Front Regional Council
According to the WFRC Funding Programs Packet, grants are available in the following programs:
The Surface Transportation Program (STP) provides funding that may be used for projects on Federal-aid highways and bridges, transit capital improvements and projects, active transportation projects.
The Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) provides funding for transportation projects that improve air quality, except these funds are not eligible for major road widening.
The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funds construction and planning of bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
The Transportation and Land Use Connection (TLC), formerly known as the Local Planning Resource Program (LPRP), supports local government efforts to create livable and vibrant communities. It provides local communities with technical assistance towards integrating land use and transportation by means of staff time, consulting and training. Salt Lake County is a joint sponsor of this program for projects within the county boundaries.
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Program provides funding to local governments and public service providers for a variety of housing, infrastructure, public service, and community and economic development projects that principally benefit low to moderate-income persons in Morgan, Tooele, and Weber Counties.
The Wasatch Front Economic Development District (WFEDD) is a federally recognized Economic Development District created to foster regional economic developments and assist eligible entities in developing competitive grant applications from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration.
Detailed information is available here: http://wfrc.org/programs/WFRC%20Funding%20Programs%20Packet.pdf