Pedal On – The Bicycle Art of Susan Adamé


Artist’s Statement

When my husband Tom and I are on scenic drives, I love taking photos out of the passenger side window. These quick shots have often become inspirations for some of my paintings. The fact that they lack detail can sometimes be an advantage when I later come to simplify a painting into essential elements. The reference for this painting, titled “Pedal On,” was taken on one of my favorite drives in Napa, California on the Silverado Trail.  Silverado Trail is one of the most popular routes for road cycling in the Napa Valley.

Pedal On – Artist: Susan Adamé. Title: Pedal On. Medium: Oil on Canvas, Size: 16×16


Susan Adamé’s varied art career has included 23 years working in clay, during which time she opened and operated an art gallery for nine years. She spent ten years as a textile designer in SF with an overlapping ten years as a collage artist, before moving into painting. Her work has been carried by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artist Gallery and was placed in many well-known locations, including Green’s Restaurant in San Francisco and the Alameda County Courthouse. Her collage work was commissioned for numerous medical institutions across the country as it was seen as positive and uplifting.

Susan’s involvement in the artwork has extended to volunteering in the Albany, California community for over 30 years, which included drafting the city public art ordinance while she was on the Albany Arts Committee. During her time on that City body, Susan met Amy Smolens, another volunteer in the community. Susan was greatly impressed with the completeness of Amy’s presentation to that Committee and her commitment to the installation of artistic bike racks in Albany.

Amy had everything worked out ahead including the design, locations for the racks, and the funding, so it was immediately approved. The Arts Committee approved 6 Dero “Bike Bike Racks” in 2012, and the program has grown so we now have 66 in our town of 1 square mile. During this difficult time in which we all are Sheltering in Place, a friend inspired her to give away her artwork as a way to help bring enjoyment to others. As she put it, “No strings attached – I am trading cheer for goodwill.”

As soon as Susan thought of giving away her only bike painting, Amy came to mind as the most deserving.

Amy had this to say about Pedal On, “When I first moved to Albany in 1986, Susan owned Adamé Ceramics, a lovely shop featuring local art, including her own. I bought a lamp and some beautiful ceramic platters & bowls…but I didn’t know her well until last week. It’s so generous of her to gift her paintings during Shelter in Place and I was honored to be one of her recipients. “Pedal On” now brightens up my living room, where I’m spending more time than I ever have!”

For more of Susan Adamé’s art, see:

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