Bike Sharing Continues to Grow post-COVID


By Charles Pekow — The state of bikesharing is rosy, reports the North American Bikeshare and Scootershare Association (NABSA). It’s 4th annual Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report says that riding in 2020 was restored to pre-pandemic levels. It cited “a rapid increase in the number of cities with shared micromobility.”

GREENbike Bike Share has changed downtown Salt Lake City! Photo by Dave Iltis

Findings cover Canada, the United States and Mexico. The report says “an estimated 401 cities” had at least one bike or scooter sharing system last year, 35 percent more than the year before. After a two-year dip, the number of trips was restored to 2019 levels. But the services provided many more vehicles: 289,000, up from 194,000 pre-COVID.

NABSA estimates that 37 percent of shared trips replaced an auto ride. Vehicle use averaged 1.5 trips a day. NABSA estimates the trips saved about 2.3 billion gallons of gasoline in the United States and 74 million pounds of carbon from entering the atmosphere.

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