BOISE, Idaho (May 1, 2020) — Boise GreenBike will relaunch the bike share program on Monday, May 4, 2020, after a brief suspension because of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Service shut down after Governor Brad Little issued a statewide stay-at-home order March 25, 2020. The bikes were removed from the streets and taken to the shop. Every bike was cleaned, given a tune-up, and made ready for service. The system will relaunch with two weeks of free rides for everyone and certain restrictions on use.

“As our city and state start to reopen for business we want to be able to provide a healthy and safe transportation alternative,” said Boise GreenBike Director Dave Fotsch. “We work hard to keep the bikes clean and disinfected, but we’re asking our riders to do their part as well.”
Biking is a healthy activity that can be practiced safely, even in the era of COVID-19. Boise GreenBike will continue to clean and disinfect the bikes on a regular schedule, but Fotsch explained that riders must use the bikes responsibly:
- Don’t ride Boise GreenBike if you’re sick. Stay home instead.
- Bring your own hand sanitizer and use it before and after riding the bikes.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Wear a cloth face covering if you’re going to be around other people.
- Ride alone or in small groups.
- Spread out. Maintain proper social distancing of six feet or more.
Boise GreenBike will offer unlimited one-hour free rides for two weeks, running through midnight, Monday, May 18, 2020. Free rides are limited to the following restrictions:
- Riders will have to lock the bikes within one hour or the Pay as You Go rate of $5 per hour applies for overtime charges.
- There will be no multiple free rentals. Free rides will be limited to one bike per account.
- All other additional charges, including locking away from a station hub or outside the service area, or causing damage to the bikes, will apply.
- Existing members do not need to do anything additional to take advantage of the free ride offer.

You must be a member of Boise GreenBike to take advantage of the free ride offer. Join the Boise GreenBike network by going to or by downloading the Social Bicycles app and selecting Boise GreenBike. For more information, visit the Boise GreenBike Facebook page or call the Help Desk at 208-345-7433.