Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeRusch, Burkard and Morton Complete Winter Crossing of IcelandBurkardRuschMortoncrossingicelandcreditRyanHillemailsize


2105 was a stills and video project for Redbull, Sony Xperia, POC sports, Chamois butter, fezzari bikes, Old Man Mountain Racks, 45 North, 66North.
2105 was a stills and video project for Redbull, Sony Xperia, POC sports, Chamois butter, fezzari bikes, Old Man Mountain Racks, 45 North, 66North. The goal of the expedition in a winter crossing from Iceland’s most Northern point to its most southern through the interior of the country. Athletes: Rebecca Rusch, Chris Burkard, & Angus Morton. Photo by Ryan Hill, courtesy Protect Our Winters Action Fund.