The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for everyone, directly affected or not. Cycling West wants to know how you are coping. Are you getting out in the sun and riding your bike on occasion? Are you staying fit on the trainer inside? Are you able to just get out and walk around the neighborhood?

We at Cycling West are thinking of you and hope that this issue contains some useful information on the effects that the pandemic is having on cycling, as well as some things to look forward to when life regains some normalcy.
Over the past few weeks, and in the current Spring issue of Cycling West (see cover), we have provided several articles on riding during the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic. Jamie Morningstar talks about keeping a commuting routine. Breanne and Dave Nalder-Harward write about the importance of staying healthy and fit through physical distancing, good nutrition, and maintaining fitness. Don Scheese took a two-day gravel adventure in the New Mexico outback.
We also have stories on coaching, gravel bikes, art and advocacy. Sarah Kaufmann provides information on warming up for an event. Bobby Kennedy lets us know what to look for when choosing a gravel bike. Claire Taylor sent us her mind map of wildlife seen during her bike rides. Charles Pekow updates us on rural bike advocacy, and Nicole Tittensor tells the tale of her epic day during the True Grit mountain bike race.
Cycling West Needs Your Help
Cycling West has been bringing you the best in cycling news and information for the western United States since 1993. We compile an extensive calendar of events, publish the magazine and website, work on advocacy issues locally and nationally, and live our mission: To make the world a better place through bicycling.
This is our 217th issue, and the second of our 28th year.
We’d like to be here for another 28 years, or even longer. As you will likely notice, the Spring issue is a little thinner than usual. We are reliant on our advertisers and our members for support, and with the pandemic’s resultant economic crisis, our revenue is down substantially. We ask for your help at this time to help us keep going.
What you can do as an individual:
- Please join Cycling West by purchasing a membership, which includes a subscription to the print magazine.
- Join at any level from $25 to $1000 a year on our website via PayPal:
- Join by sending a check for what you can contribute to:
Cycling West
1124 4th Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84103 - If you are already a member of Cycling West, please tell your friends about us, or even consider giving them a gift membership.
- If you have questions, email [email protected]
- Join our email newsletter here:
- Follow us on the web at:, @cyclingwest on Twitter and Instagram, and at and help us expand our reach.
What you can do as a bike shop:
- If you are a bike shop owner or employee, please hand out a copy of Cycling West to as many of your customers as possible. Our distribution through events has shut down for now, and we ask that you help us grow bicycling by circulating the magazine. Your customers will hopefully enjoy the news and the respite from the anxiety of the day.
- Please contact us about joining us as a member by participating in our bike shop directory. Email [email protected] for details, or call 801-574-3413.
What you can do as a company:
- If you are a company, please consider running an ad with us during this time. We work year-round for better bicycling conditions, better information on events, to increase participation in the sport, and to grow the cycling community. If you can support us and other bike media during this time, we will be here for you when we move past this crisis. Email [email protected] for details, or call 801-574-3413.
Yours in cycling,
Dave Iltis • Editor and Publisher
Lisa Hazel • Assistant Editor
Steven L. Sheffield • Assistant Editor