Editorial: We Need More Jacks


Cycling Utah Editorial: We want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the youthful exuberance of the young bicycle-racer depicted in this photo, Jack Shuckra.

Junior cyclocross bicycle racer Jack Shuckra
Jack Shuckra with his cyclocross bike after finishing 2nd in the C Group, September 30th, at the Weber Fairground, Ogden, UT

In our opinion, bicycling happens locally. That is not to say that national and international issues are not important. Of course they are.

Bicycling at its core is about personal experience. It doesn’t matter if you’re on the pump track, mountain biking, commuting, track racing, touring, adventure cycling or at the beach on a cruiser. We value bicycling in all forms.

A former executive director of USA Cycling told me once that he was very committed to a “Hero” strategy, role models that inspire.

I think it’s fair to say we’ve had some successes and some failures.

When I started cycling Greg Lemond provide inspiration to millions of bicycling enthusiasts. Little did I know how important of a role bicycling would play in my life.

Bringing this comment back to Jack. Look closely at the photo. Look at his face. Do you see what I mean?

We need more Jacks.

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