Why I Wear a Helmet


By Scott Ennis

I have been cycling competitively as a triathlete since 2006. My co-riders have always lauded me as a safe rider. I have always worn my helmet.

On April 29th, 2010 I was training for an upcoming triathlon. I was riding down a hill when a car made a left-hand turn in front of me. It was an accident. The driver had not been drinking, speeding, or driving recklessly. We were both obeying the traffic laws.

But, as my father says, “Whether the wall hits the gourd or the gourd hits the wall, it’s bad for the gourd.”

I suffered a broken sternum, several broken ribs, a shattered left scapula, broken left finger, nearly severed right foot, and a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).

According to the doctors, two things saved my life: my excellent physical conditioning, and my helmet.

I spent a week in a coma, had my right foot secured surgically with titanium pins and a titanium plate, 3 months in ICU, 3 months in a nursing home, and 6 months in rehabilitative therapy.

I have since then returned to competitive cycling. I rode the Mutual of Enumclaw Time Trial last year. I competed in Buffalo Springs Lake Ironman 70.3 this year. And I am signed up to do the Tour de Park City Medio Fondo on July 28th.

In addition, I have gotten married and have a little girl due around Thanksgiving. I have also been accepted to do my MA in English at Weber State University.

None of this would be possible if I had chosen not to wear a helmet on April 29th, 2010.

Please wear your helmet.

Scott Ennis


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