Clear the Air Challenge Kicks off on June 13th


This summer, Governor Herbert, Mayor Becker, Mayor Corroon and other community leaders are challenging Utahns to once again “Drive Less and Drive Smarter.” The month-long Clear the Air Challenge (June 13-July 10) aims to reduce vehicle emissions by challenging residents to use TravelWise options like trip chaining, carpooling, vanpooling, telecommuting, bike commuting, and public transportation.


Residents commit to reducing their weekly vehicle trips in Gold, Silver and Bronze categories, and compete to win weekly prizes and a chance to win grand prizes at the end of the challenge. This year, there are three options for participation – as an individual, team of friends, family, or co-workers, or as a company.


Over the past two summers, nearly 9,000 participants saved 2.4 million miles and kept over 4 million pounds of emissions out of the air. Join your fellow Utahns, making a difference:


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