Cycling Utah Looking for Commuter Columnist


Cycling West - Cycling Utah Magazine logoBy Lou Melini

The Commuter Column- 11 years and still a valuable source of information.

With the July issue of Cycling Utah, the commuter column reached the 11-year mark. It has been a mission by a dedicated group of “volunteers” that are passionate about the concept of the bicycle being the vehicle of choice for going to work, school, shopping and anything else. Unfortunately due to a move out of state for one and a larger work schedule for another, Cycling Utah will be losing 2 of the 3 current commuter-column contributors after this month’s issue. If you or someone you know would like to be a part of the longest running column dedicated to bike commuting in the United States, shoot Dave Iltis ([email protected]) or Lou Melini (lou@cyclingutah) an email with your interest. The only qualification is a passion for bike commuting. If you are concerned about your writing skills, I will remind you that I had to take a no-credit remedial English course during my first semester in college in 1969 due to my poor writing skills! You probably can write better than you think. I will not be in Utah to help for most of 2016 as I will be fulfilling the number one item on Julie’s bucket list; hiking the 2,189 mile Appalachian Trail.

Thank you for your consideration.


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