GREENbike For $1 in Salt Lake City on Halloween, Costume Contest

Gary Sjoquist and Ashley Korenblatt ride GreenBikes in downtown Salt Lake City. Photo by Dave Iltis
Gary Sjoquist and Ashley Korenblatt ride GreenBikes in downtown Salt Lake City. Photo by Dave Iltis

100,000 ride milestone expected next month.

Salt Lake City, UT (October 28, 2015) – To celebrate Halloween, GREENbike is offering daily passes for $1. Users can enter the promo code “1031” at any of the 25 bike sharing stations in downtown Salt Lake City.

Additionally, riders are encouraged to submit photos of a costumed “GREENbiker” to any of GREENbike’s three (facebook, twitter or instagram @SLCBikeShare) social networks to be entered to win an American Apparel GREENbike Tank Top, an invitation to a private GREENbike party at Squatters and an annual GREENbike membership.

Greenbike Station Map in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Greenbike Station Map in Salt Lake City, Utah.

GREENbike is one of the most successful bike share program in the country, and anticipates celebrating 100,000 rides for the season in November. This will be a U.S record for most trips per bike of any small system (less than 80 stations/800 bikes) charging for use.

ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Salt Lake City launched its non-profit bike share, GREENbike, in April, 2013 with 10 stations and 55 bikes. And this May, when GREENbike expanded from 20 to 25 sharing stations, ridership increased by 292%.

GREENbike connects downtown office workers, visitors and residents with nearby employment centers, major transit stops and popular destinations for food, drink and entertainment. The program serves as a mechanism to improve community health, air, quality of life and increase the use of existing transit infrastructure.

The GREENbike program has proved to be immensely popular and received support from the public, businesses, and regional/local governmental agencies. GREENbike is a non-profit, public/ private partnership between Salt Lake City, the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, the Salt Lake City Downtown Alliance, Visit Salt Lake (Convention & Visitor’s Bureau), the Wasatch Front Regional Council, the Utah Transit authority, the Utah Department of Transportation, SelectHealth and a myriad of private sponsors.

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