Tips from Qualtrics on Creating a Bike-Friendly Workplace


By Jamie Morningstar — Qualtrics prides itself on being a cycle-friendly company. As a former title sponsor of the Huntsman 140 ride, every Qualtrics employee is encouraged to ride to support the Huntsman Cancer Institute, and a love for road cycling, mountain biking, and cycle commuting is shared by many employees.

Scott Larsen leaving the Qualtrics building in Provo, Utah. Photo by Jamie Morningstar

In August of 2016, Qualtrics relocated to a new building in Provo and decided to devote some of the new space to a revamped commuter room. Barry Webster, head of facilities at Qualtrics, shares some tips for adding a bike room to your workplace:

  1. Security: Security is the most important aspect of designing a bike storage room – if people don’t feel comfortable leaving their bikes unattended in the room, it simply won’t get used. Our bike room at Qualtrics has security cameras inside and out and is controlled by key card access so that every cyclist feels safe and confident leaving their bike there.
  2. Easy Access: For a bike room to be well used, it has to be easy to get in and out of the building with all your gear. Qualtrics has underground parking, so we allocated a storage room adjacent to the underground parking to bike storage. It’s easy to enter because the garage doors used by cars are available to cyclists.
  3. Choosing Racks and Other Equipment: We started small with 6 wall-mounted racks and a floor rack. The wall racks are proving popular and we’re watching to see which are used most (those designed for fenders vs skinny tires vs mountain bike tires) and will add to the room as its popularity builds. We’re lucky to have a gym at Qualtrics, so we didn’t have to worry about adding showers or changing rooms for the cycle commuters since those amenities are already included in the gym.
  4. Ask your Cyclists: We talked with several avid cyclists at Qualtrics before deciding on which racks, mounts, pump, stands, etc. to include in the room. They had a lot of experience with different brands and styles and were really helpful as we decided on the room’s equipment.


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