Hurricane Mountain Bike Festival Set for March 18-20, 2016


HURRICANE, Utah (February 23, 2016) — The Hurricane Mountain Bike Festival will be held from March 18-20, 2016 in Hurricane, Utah. The three-day festival will feature rides, bike demos, and fun activities and socials.

We asked festival organizer DJ Morisette of Over the Edge Sports in Hurricane to tell us about the event.

Looking out from Little Creek Mesa during one of the rides in the 2015 Hurricane Mountain Bike Festival. Photo by Photo John,

Cycling Utah: Tell us about the festival. What are the highlights?

Over the Edge Sports: It’s a friendly atmosphere where people come from all over the country and world come for a short vacation to ride awesome bikes on amazing trails, socialize, have fun and make new friends.

CU: How do the rides work? Are there rides for all ability levels?

OTE: We have a ride board where riders put rides they are doing each day. They put the pace of the ride and the technical difficulty to try and create a compatible group. Anyone can add rides to the ride board as this is what a festival is about – riding with others and making new friends. We have riders of all paces and abilities.

Riders on the Hurricane Rim Trail during the 2015 Hurricane Mountain Bike Festival. Photo by Photo John,

CU: How do the bike demos work? What bike companies will be there? Can you just demo a bike and get a shuttle?

OTE: Demo bikes are available from 8am-5pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday till noon. You must have a festival wristband or a demo-shuttle wristband to take one out. Demo bikes that will be available are: Rocky Mountain, Ibis, Knolly, Niner, Trek, Fuji, Giant Liv, Pivot, Scott, Guerrilla Gravity, Kona and BMC. You can buy a pass for $35 if you just want to demo bikes and catch the shuttle for the day.

CU: Tell us about the skills clinics.

Meredith Goss is in charge of the clinics. She is an IMBA Certified instructor and VIDA MTB Series Ambassador. Instructors will help you dial in the bike handling basics and then build on that foundation with a progression of skills to ensure that you have the best possible time on Hurricane’s unique world-class trails. All skill levels are welcome. These sessions will be in smaller groups so that you can have plenty of one-on-one time with your coach. They will pack a ton of instruction into a three-hour session for only $25.

CU: What festivities will you have?

OTE: We will do our traditional pixie bike barrel race and roping contest if we have any takers, to crown a queen and king of the beer garden. We will also have a foot-down contest, bottle walk, and some other silly fun contests.

CU: Is there anything else that you would like to add?

We have some new things happing this year in addition to the skills clinics and large selection of demo bikes. We will have a talented individual playing the guitar and taking requests Friday night and an awesome band for Saturday night. Club Ride is doing a fashion show on Saturday night. We will have a skills course at the venue. And keep your fingers crossed, maybe a pump track.

Event Details:

March 18-20 — Hurricane Mountain Bike Festival, Hurricane, UT, Ride with us on some of the most stunning trails in the world with Zion National Park as your backdrop. Fun festivities, awesome demo bikes, skills clinic, beer garden, dutch oven dinner, prizes & more! DJ Morisette, 435-635-5455, [email protected],,



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