New Q & A Coaching Column: Ask Noak


By Mark Deterline

We are happy to announce the creation of a Q&A-style coach’s column, which will draw from the experience and athlete success of coach and elite Masters competitor, Tom Noaker. Please help us help you by emailing your endurance training related questions about getting stronger, faster and smarter to [email protected] with Ask Noak in the subject line.

Tom is board president of the South Summit Trails Foundation. He received a B.A. in Business Administration and Economics from Belknap College in 1971, moving to Oakley via Park City in 1975. After 7yrs in the ski and building trades, he founded Park City’s first full time bike shop, New Park Cyclery. He later sold it to Jan’s Mountain Outfitters, where he managed the Bike Division until fall 1992. Tom has built a well respected business as an independent sales rep in the bike and ski industries, and continues to reside in Oakley with his wife Nan Chalat-Noaker and their son Dylan, who has attended the University of Utah’s EAE Computer Science program.

As a Masters athlete, Tom has won 16 State Championships in cycling across four age divisions, as well as three USAC Mountain Bike National Championships. In 2003 he was selected as Race Team Head Coach for the Park City Young Riders, leaving in 2010 to coach individual athletes at the Junior U18 and U23 elite level. Tom continues to actively compete in Nordic ski racing, and is committed to creating trail opportunities for the South Summit community.


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