Beetroot Juice Study: University of Utah’s Neuromuscular Function Lab Seeks Volunteer Cyclists


Can Beetroot Juice Improve Power?


The University of Utah’s Neuromuscular Function Lab is conducting a study on Beetroot juice to see if it improves power or fatigue resistance.

They are in need of volunteers.


If you are interested, please contact:

Ernie Rimer (Ph.D. Student)

[email protected]




-Trained individuals who actively compete in sports & physical training

-18-44 years


-Be able to visit the NMFL for 5 visits:

1st Visit (Rehearsal): 25 min

– 5 min Self Selected Warm Up

– 4 x 3 sec Max Sprint w/2 min rest

– 30 sec Max Sprint @ 120 rpm

2nd & 3rd Visits (Experimental Day): 2 x 20 min visits, separated by 2.5 hours

4th & 5th Visits (Experimental Day): 2 x 20 min visits, separated by 2.5 hours:

Typical Schedule for each Experimental Day:

7:00 am: Baseline Sprints (4 x 3 sec Max Sprints)

7:15 am:  Beetroot Juice Supplementation*

7:45 am: Beetroot Juice Supplementation

9:45 am: Follow-Up Sprints (4 x 3 sec Max Sprints, plus 30 sec Max Sprint @ 120 rpm)

*Participants can leave after given beetroot juice, then come back for follow-up sprints.

Beetroot Cycling Study PDF

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