Cycleface, A New Nutritional Company, Starts Up in N. Salt Lake


By Jared Eborn

Call it Meals on Wheels. Or, perhaps more accurately, Meals for Those on Wheels.

Any dedicated cyclist or endurance athlete knows it can be a challenge – and an expensive one at that – to keep their fueling plans dialed in during intense training and racing seasons.

Cycleface, a startup company based in North Salt Lake, hopes to take much of the guesswork and all of the legwork out of keeping your training table loaded with exactly the type of fuel your body, and palette, prefer.

Software developer Brightface had numerous cyclists on staff and as clients. The crew there began thinking about how they could develop an application that would help fine-tune a cyclist’s nutritional demands based on user profiles and recorded training sessions and that turned into a service that gathers information and delivers product to the door of its clients.

“As we discovered more about our customers and that many of them were cyclists,” Cycleface’s Seth Jenks said, “we started to think maybe we could start a product or service that would help them eat better.”

Partnering with a variety of energy and supplement companies, Cycleface essentially gathers information from athletes, pairs it with their preferences and creates a nutritional plan that not only reminds those athletes what to eat and fuel with, but how often to do it and how many calories they should consume to perform at peak levels.

Then they deliver that nutrition to your doorstep so you don’t run out or have to spend valuable time or other resources traveling to different retailers to stock up on supplies.

“You’ll be able to upload a file from your Garmin and we’ll be able to create a profile based on the last few rides,” Jenks said. “Then we’ll make a nutritional plan for you and ship your meal plan right to you.”

So far, Jenks said, more than 3,000 users have taken the first step in creating profiles. With options ranging from GU Energy gels, Clif Bars and Jelly Belly Sport Beans – among many others – Cycleface will order, process and deliver your goods.

“You don’t have to think about it,” Jenks said, “that’s our goal.”

Cycleface founder Nate Walkingshaw helped develop the service as he saw his co-workers and clients spend time discussing what to eat and drink on their daily lunch rides.

“I think what we really provide is not the nutrition. The nutrition, the experts, the scientists, everyone has already figured out how to get that type of fuel into your body,” Walkingshaw said in a promotional video. “But it’s knowing when to go out and eat when you’re on the bike…. We give you Week One through Week Four and we tell you exactly what you need to consume on your ride. It’s very simple.”

David Harward, one of Utah’s top bike racers for the past 20 years or so, played a part in the development of the service.

“Cycleface is such a cool, forward thinking idea. You can open up your box, you don’t have to think about it,” Harward said in the Cycleface video. “Here’s today, in your pocket, in your bottle and you’re ready to go. With proper nutrition for an athlete your body is ready to go all the time.”

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