New Bike Company Why Cycles Opens in Ogden, Utah


Cycling West: When and where was the company founded? Who are the main partners?

Why Cycles: Why Cycles was started just over a year ago in Ogden, UT by Adam Miller and Ben Craner. I (Adam) moved to Utah from Colorado Springs, Colorado where I started, and later sold another bike company (Borealis Bikes). A mutual friend and industry veteran, Jason Schiers, put Ben and I in touch. It’s fun because Ben and I have very different backgrounds in cycling. Ben is a former downhill pro racer with an affinity for the gravity side of the sport. I on the other hand have a long history with road, XC, Tri and endurance. It’s given us a nice balance. It wasn’t long before Ben and I started dreaming and sketching beautiful bikes, discussing better ways to construct them and eventually sell them to customers in a way that allows everyone to win. And with that, Why Cycles was born. After a year of development and hard work, we were ready to launch. We introduced our brand and new products to the world at the Eurobike trade show in Germany this past August. We were overwhelmed by the encouraging words and positive response. The show was a huge success and things have been pretty hectic and busy since then!

CW: Brief Description of your company:

WC: We started Why Cycles confident that we could offer something new to the industry. In addition to current aggressive geometry, modern updated uses of materials like titanium and a different perspective on distribution, we believe our customers deserve the best customers service and the best high end, unique bikes out there. The truth is…we selfishly build bikes for ourselves. Bikes that we know will be fun to ride, explore and push our limits on. It just so happens that other people like them and we’re willing to share in the adventure. Our first three models are made out of high-grade titanium, but we’re not stopping there. We believe in building each bike for a specific purpose with the best materials for that application. For now that’s titanium. (But stay tuned, we’re currently exploring a new approach on a full suspension bike in a different material.) We sell each bike directly to consumers on our website, and are working on setting up a network of local service center bike shops across the US. This partnership will give customers a chance to meet face to face with local shop partners for things like assembly, fit, and service of their Why products, while still giving them the ability to get a unique high end bike at a better price. Oh yeah, and one more thing…We ship every bike in the best bike travel bag on the market- the Evoc Pro case. For free. We wanted to do things a bit differently.

CW: What types of bikes do you build? How and where are they built?

WC: We build bikes that are fun, bikes that allow you to push your limits on and off the beaten path. They’re unique and eclectic. Currently, we have a 27.5+ titanium hardtail called the S7, a titanium gravel/cyclocross bike titled the R+, and a titanium dirt jumper aptly named the TF (Take Flight). While we made the TF because a few of us wanted a sweet, belt driven, ridiculously pimp DJ bike, it has actually been incredibly popular. The R+ gravel bike is a real quiver-killer. It’s arguably the most versatile road bike, and is incredibly comfortable and fun to ride. The S7 hardtail plus bike is built to climb well and be a killer fast, fun bike to ride. We’ve surprised even ourselves at what this aggressive hardtail can do. Each of our bikes are hand built in a small, extremely high end factory in Asia and we assemble all of the bikes here in Ogden, UT.

CW: Tell us about the philosophy of Why Cycles

WC: It’s pretty simple: bikes are fun. We want to offer the best products made out of the best materials for each application, that are fun to ride. We put a modern twist on geometry, construction and traditional titanium. The performance of our bikes and resulting happy customers is reinforcing that that formula works. Of course, we aim to offer the best customer service and a distribution model that allows everyone the best of both worlds…So far our customers have been thrilled.

CW: What’s the best thing about your bike, products, and/or company?

WC: They’re built for fun! Honestly, the best thing for us is to see people ride our bikes and come back with a huge grin on their face. Titanium is magic. Hell, bikes are magic and we spent countless hours building prototypes, dialing in the best geometry and tube shapes possible for these bikes. It’s rewarding to see people ride them and love how well they ride. It’s WHY we do this.

CW: Why did you choose to move or stay in Utah?

WC: I had lived in Colorado for 6 years, and had spent a lot of time visiting and riding in Utah. When I had the opportunity to come out here and start a new bike brand with Ben, I didn’t hesitate! The trails, riding community and people are incredible here. The access to mountains and different types of terrain for riding is truly the best I could imagine. The state of Utah and Ogden City are very friendly to new outdoor type businesses, and there is no shortage of awesome talent around to hire as we grow.

CW: Where can someone buy or demo your bikes?

WC: We offer demos to anyone around Utah at our office headquarters in Ogden! Best to arrange ahead of time by calling 801-698-3678. All bikes can be purchased online at or by calling us.

CW: Is there anything else that you’d like to add?

WC: We’re thrilled to be pushing the limits of what bikes can do here in Utah. The community here is fantastic, and the versatile mix of products we sell allows us to make excuses to show up to multiple different bike events around Utah. So we hope to see you at races or at trailheads in the future- if you see us, stop and say hello and try out one of our bikes!

For more information, visit


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