By Steve Stauffer — As a painter, I get the incredible opportunity to travel and paint wherever the wind may blow! Painting “ En Plein Air “ means, painting onsite and painting from nature and what life puts right in front of me. Like road biking there is no better way to experience a landscape than to put yourself right in the middle of it.

My wife and I were on a trip to Italy. We walked out of our motel in Florence to find this incredible scene just outside our doorstep! The moment I saw it, I knew it would be a wonderful painting.
Angel’s Hands Foundation has a ride each year and we thought it would be a great way to thank our ride sponsors and staff for assisting us each year. The painting was completed and prints were made. If you are interested in one of these prints you can contact us at . Prints are $45.00 + $10 shipping and handling. 100 % of the proceeds goes to Angel’s Hands Foundation and the families they support.
Angel’s Hands Foundation continues to be one of the most incredible blessings in my life. As a current board member, I am inspired and driven by these very special Angels. Each year I do a special painting and create prints for our fundraising. The original painting was auctioned off at our annual “Angel’s Hands Friendraiser”. Please take a moment and visit our website to learn more about Angel’s Hands Foundation, their mission and how you can join their wonderful ride this year.
To view this or my other work please go to
Steve Stauffer (801-330-3799), [email protected]
Ride for the Angels details:
May 16 — Ride for the Angels, CANCELLED for 2020, Copperton, UT, 11th Annual. Start: 8:30am; 8655 West 10390 South Copperton Park; Routes: 25, 50 miles and Metric Century 62.5 miles; $50.00 includes swag bag and ride shirt. With each registration you will be entered to win a new bike. Drawing to be held Saturday at 8:00 am, right before the start of the event. Rest stops and road support, Great cause! Post Ride Picnic too!, Dennis Carrigan, 801-201-5164, [email protected],