So You Want to Build a Lowrider


By Anthony J. Nocella II, Ph.D. — How does one start building a lowrider bicycle? First and foremost, do not rush out and buy a lowrider bicycle that has been manufactured in a mass-produced fashion. Get to know the lowrider culture and its historical and socio-political place in Chicanx/Latinx/Cholx society.

One of the bikes at the 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis
One of the bikes at the 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis

The lowrider culture started in the 1960s during the Civil Rights, United Farm Workers, and Brown Power movements, inspired by earlier resistance movements by people of Mexican descent against structural racism and assimilationism. It is clear, direct, and easy to argue that the lowrider culture has always been and is grounded in activism and social justice.

Lowrider culture started with cars, clothing, stroll, swag, and religious and family values. Lowrider culture is about la familia, and the interweaving of religion and family. It is here that the culture promotes youth advocacy, art, dance, music, food, peace, unity, justice, and festivals.

Rene and Dani Mendoza's lowrider took 6 months to build. They are part of the Nuevo Imperio Cycling Club. 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis
Rene and Dani Mendoza’s lowrider took 6 months to build. They are part of the Nuevo Imperio Cycling Club. 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis

Lowrider culture is also therapy, and can be a healthy alternative breaking the cycle of violence, gangs, drugs, and prison.

Lowrider bicycle design emerged in California from the “King of the Kustomizers” George Barris, the legendary car designer, who created The Munster’s Munster Koach and built the Batmobile for the original 1960s TV series.

Rene and Dani Mendoza with the lowrider they built at the 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis
Rene and Dani Mendoza with the lowrider they built at the 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis

In the 1960s, Barris brought his car art to the bicycle world by customizing Schwinn Sting-Rays, but never strived to be part of the lowrider culture. Later, the Stelber Cycle Corp in New York partnered with Barris to create bicycles under the brand name Iverson, which were not lowrider bicycles, but did have a bit more style than the classic Schwinn Sting-Ray.

Ultimately, Manny Silva, owner of Manny’s Bike Shop in Compton, California, would become the key person that introduced Barris’s style by to the barrio and lowrider .

Anthony Nocella with the lowrider he builti at the 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis
Anthony Nocella with the lowrider he built at the 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis

My first lowrider bicycle was handed down to me by my Uncle Ron in Philadelphia, via my big sister Kim. It was an original Iverson 1968 Charger, that I later turned into a lowrider bicycle.

The key in designing a lowrider bicycle to take an original bicycle from the 1960s or early 1970s that has a “wheelie bike” or chopper design similar to the Schwinn String-Ray, and slow it down with smooth flowing bright glittering clean paint with white-wall tires, chrome and/or gold parts, mirrors, velvet banana saddle, and as much flare as possible.

Anthony Nocella's lowrider. 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis
Anthony Nocella’s lowrider. 2021 Salt Lake Winter Lowrider Show. Photo by Dave Iltis

Most lowriders are shiny and have candy paint on them. Many also have pinstripes and names of those that have died as a remembrance art piece, similar to tattooing the name on one’s arm. They are typically also named and have a theme, be it Star Wars, Raiders, Hellraiser, Candy Canes, Tupac, fire, music notes, Nike, Jordan, or Dominos.

Steps to Building a Lowrider

First, go check out lowrider shows in person and check out pictures of lowriders on the internet for ideas and inspiration. Originality is important, but it’s okay to get ideas for design elements from other bikes.

Second, find an old Schwinn Sting-Ray, take as many pictures of it as you can, and then strip it down.

Third, contact a local lowrider club to ask where to get your bike painted and if you want the tank and/or chain stay area filled in with Bondo. Be aware that depending on the extent of the paint and body work, this might cost upwards of $1000.00. Make sure when you get it painted you have your theme in mind for the bicycle.

Fourth, buy or build other design elements, such as new wheels (100-spoke 20-inch wheels?), a twisted long spring fork, reflectors, chrome chain, velvet saddle, twisted sissy bar, twisted pedals, chrome metal grips, crank, twisted chainring, bottom bracket, headset, white wall tires, and tubes.

Then, once you have all the parts, build the bike! If you are having trouble assembling your bicycle take it to a local bicycle shop, preferably one which appreciates all types of bicycles including lowriders.

The best place to get lowrider parts online is Street Lowrider (, but be aware that the price for lowrider parts can add up fairly quickly as well.

Finally, build a chromed mirrored velvet display stand for the bike, as it is an art piece. Now put on your Dickies, Converse sneakers, and black t-shirt and go to a lowrider show to show off your bicycle. For those who want to join a club, it is like getting married, the love and right fit have to be there, but once you have you are now part of la familia.

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  1. Most websites are down or completely out of stock. Ebay individual parts are ridiculously overpriced. Sad too. This used to be a money maker for me as a teenager.

  2. Ive started building mines not to long ago frames are original with original paint .
    Frames aren’t that old either but still coming out clean

  3. My son in law has a real old low rider. Banana seat and hi handle bars. We are trying to work out the year model. Bike shop owner sent photos to the states. I live in Australia.(

  4. Ronnie I have the parts to put one together I just don't have the money to do it I have a Orange County Choppers frame a trike rear end and I have so many Ronnie I have the parts to put one together I just don't have the money to do it I have a Orange County Choppers frame a trike rear end and I have so many

    So many plans

  5. I sell schwinm lowrider bikes and parts my IG is tamayos.custom.bikes if anyone needs something message me on IG

  6. First off don’t insult us with the latinx even worse chicanx wtf is that , that phrase is insulting to real people who say Latinos and chicanos, if your aware of the Spanish language you would know that the OS is not a male dominant letters, groups-grupos, us or we-nosotros, anything that has to do with 2 or more people most words describe them like that my family and fri3nds are all Latinos and chicano don’t disgrace us like that don’t push that agenda on nosotros solos Latinos y chicano de everybody or everywhere-TODOS GRUPOS EN ESTE PAIS.

  7. Yep I’ve been building lowrider bikes since I’ve been 16 years old I’m 39 I have three of them 20 in 26 stretched out and a three-wheeler now I’m trying to make a four wheeler my goal is to make seven of them one for each day

  8. I had a lowrider bike till they jack me! Damn I miss my candy apple green with chrome and gold lowrider bike just like ice cube 64 impala on the today was a good day video

  9. John is right. You lost me and made me angry with X crap.
    Using X is part of the African American Community.
    Chicanismo is our cause. CHICANO !!
    A lot of people from my generation created Chicanismo. Why because the Federal Government wanted to label us.
    We know who we are Chicano. Not Mexican Americans. Because if we truly were accepted as Americans. There would be no Mexican American label
    We are labeled to make us believe we are not a part of the First American People.
    We are from the Americas. Not Europe or Asia.
    So never use those labels on our people.
    If you want to get a message out to the people.
    You are only feeding the idea we aren’t part of the First People of the Americas.
    Show some respect and educate yourself on your artcles.

  10. Culture is as beautiful as the dragon of the land and dragon of the sea. I’m a jeweler so when it comes to history and culture I know my shit and John and Edward need to know there facts when it comes to talking about the mafia and the reasons that brought so many cultures together. Without the people fighting for what’s right for there communities within every culture so when you have that type of power that’s when the government starts steiro typing and call the Lowrider mobilization.see I’m from the Southside and been in the streets ever sents I was 13 years old. And to know a hard knock life type and can hold it nutural for every set every gang every culture within my community and to bring peace and love for people and that’s when you know you got the people behind you all the way and the groverment has been trying to break up clubs sents day one

  11. One of the defining features of a lowrider bike is its front and rear suspension. Decide whether you want to use traditional springer forks, hydraulic suspensions, or other custom suspension systems

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