September 19, 2017 – Salt Lake City, UT – The Salt Lake County Bicycle Ambassadors will hold several workshops for new riders. The Bicycle Ambassadors are a program of Salt Lake County that promotes active transportation and recreational cycling and helps to engage new riders.
There will be four upcoming workshops:
9/28/17, 6:30 pm – ABC Quick check
+ What you should check before each ride.
+ Walden Park, 5425 S Murray Parkway Ave (1070 W)
10/12/17, 6:30 pm – Fix a flat and chain problems
+ Everyone gets a flat and yes you can fix it!
+ SLC Bicycle Collective, 2312 S West Temple
10/26/17, 6:30 pm – Rules of the Road
+ Learn how to interact with other vehicles and positioning.
+ Cottonwood Heights City Hall, 2277 E Bengal Blvd
11/9/17, 6:30 pm – Commuter Tricks
+ Learn skills to help you commute to work, store, anywhere.
+ SL Co, exact location tbd
For more information, visit:
Flier: BicyclingBasics in color PDF File