Free Bike Share Day October 27, 2018 in Salt Lake City, Boise, St. George, Park City


GreenBike Salt Lake City, GreenBike Boise, Summit Bike Share Park City, LiveWell St. George Bike Share Will All Be Free to Ride on October 27, 2018

SelectHealth and GREENbike team up to offer the public FREE rides

GreenBike has changed downtown Salt Lake City with 33 stations and hundreds of bikes. Photo by Dave Iltis
GreenBike has changed downtown Salt Lake City with 33 stations and hundreds of bikes. Photo by Dave Iltis

Press Release: SALT LAKE CITY, UT (October 26, 2018) — GREENbike, Salt Lake City’s non-profit bike share system is teaming up with SelectHealth to offer free rides to the public on Saturday, October 27.

This past June, SelectHealth and GREENbike Salt Lake City hosted their first ever FREE ride day and over 1,000 rides were taken burning over 155,208 calories and offsetting over 3,600 pounds of CO2 in one day! To date, the GREENbike program  has prevented 3.8  million pounds of CO2 from entering the air, removed 4.2 million vehicle miles from local roads, while burning 63 million calories in the process.

“Thanks to SelectHealth,  we have the opportunity to offer folks familiar or unfamiliar with the program another chance to ride for free!” Said Salt Lake City GREENbike executive director, Ben Bolte.

GreenBike has changed downtown Salt Lake City with 33 stations and hundreds of bikes. Photo by Dave Iltis

This Saturday, go to any GREENbike station in Salt Lake, Boise, St. George, or Park City, and:

  • In Salt Lake City: purchase a 24-hour pass using the promo code “1027” and ride for free!
  • Park City: Use Promo Code SH1012
  • Boise: No code needed, but sign up for a free membership first.
  • St. George: Use Promo Code: SH2018

“GREENbike is a fun and versatile way to exercise and enjoy our great city,” said SelectHealth Public Relations Manager, Greg Reid. “It complements our mission of helping people live the healthiest life possible.”

To find a Salt Lake City GREENbike station, download the Bcycle app or go to

In addition to FREE bike share rides in Salt Lake City, SelectHealth will also be offering the public a chance to ride for free on the respective bike share systems in Park City, St. George and Boise

GreenBike will be free to ride on October 27, 2018 courtesy Select Health. Use the code 1027 when checking out a bike.
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