February 13, 2017 – The Salt Lake City Bicycle Advisory Committee will hold it’s monthly meeting on February 13, 2017. As part of the agenda, a spokesperson from the new Utah State Prison will be on hand to give a presentation on the I-80 Frontage Road. The road is a crucial recreational route in Salt Lake City, and could be drastically affected by the construction of the new prison, and by the development of the Northwest Quadrant industrial park by Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda for February 13, 2017:
A standing committee of the TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD
Salt Lake City Transportation Division Office ‐ 349 South 200 East, Suite 150 – P.O. Box 145502
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5502
The Committee’s mission is to promote, enhance, preserve and, where necessary, restore physical, social,
political and economic environments in which bicycling is recognized
as an essential element of a clean, healthy, and vital community.
Monday, February 13, 2017
5:00 – 6:30 P.M.
**A draft of the SLC / SLCo bike map will be available for public mark-up
1/2 hr before and 1/2 hr after the meeting. **
Welcome and Introduction of Members and Guests 5:00
Public Comment 5:05
Approval of the Minutes of the January 9, 2017 Meeting 5:10
Outside Connection: UDOT Region 2 – BFIT, Upcoming projects 5:12
Tyler Laing, Region Traffic Engineer
UDOT Corridor Planning & bicycling – Foothill Drive, State Street 5:20
Cris Jones, SLC Transportation
Prison Development & Bicycling 5:40
Merilee Richins, Utah Dep’t of Administrative Services
Education / Enforcement: Bicycle Crash Data & Crash Types 6:00
Dan Bergenthal, SLC Transportation
Connections & Announcements – updates on projects & committees 6:20
Todd – TAB
• Lisa Pascadlo – SLCPD
• Jason S. – McClelland Trail
900 West – Todd, Denise & Shaun
Quick Follow-ups 6:25
• BAC membership • 600 East
• Transportation Director • Shared lane markings University St.
Adjourn 6:30
Agendas and Approved Minutes are posted at: http://www.slcgov.com/boards/bac
Official Accommodation Notice for Salt Lake City Corporation
People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodations no later than 48 hours in advance in order to attend this
Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting. Accommodations may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids. This is
an accessible facility. For questions or additional information, please contact Amy Lyons at 801-535-6630; TDD 801-535-6220
See our editorial here:
Great Salt Lake Marina Bike Route in Jeopardy with Likely Prison Move to Area