Update on Cycle Salt Lake Century 2014 Refunds


July 3, 2014 – Cycling Utah received the following letter today from the Cycle Salt Lake Century regarding when refunds will be sent out.

For previous updates: See https://www.cyclingwest.com/sport-biking-and-bicycle-touring/road-sport-and-touring/cycle-salt-lake-century-cancelled-2014/

and https://www.cyclingwest.com/news/cycle-salt-lake-century-2014-refund-update/

for details on why the CSLC was cancelled this year.

Refund Schedule for the Cycle Salt Lake Century 2014

I wanted to update you all on the refund schedule. I have begun to send the refunds out in order of when you registered.

This was the most logical way I could process the refunds. Those of you that ordered jerseys will receive your jersey and your refund by the middle of next week. This is a lot of checks and much writing and signing. I thank you for your patience and again everyone will receive a refund on their registration fees.
Jon R. Smith
Event Director
Cycle Salt Lake Century

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