Utah Cyclists Advised to Avoid East Canyon Routes Due to Road Construction


The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) advises cyclists of a pavement rehabilitation project in progress on state routes in Morgan County in the East Canyon area. The top layer of asphalt is being removed and replaced with a new layer on SR-66 from milepost 0-9 (Porterville to East Canyon Reservoir) and on SR-65 from milepost 8-22 (Big Mountain Pass summit to the Summit County line).

Cyclists are advised to avoid these work zones as much as possible during construction as asphalt removal will result in rougher riding conditions. When this is not possible, cyclists should ride with traffic and not attempt to pass other vehicles. Cyclists are advised to be cautious around corners and watch for construction equipment and workers in the roadway.

Paving operations are expected to continue through fall 2019 as weather conditions permit. For more information, please contact the public involvement team at 385-515-0441 or visit the UDOT project website

Photo courtesy Utah Dept. of Transportation.
Photo courtesy Utah Dept. of Transportation.


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