2017 Tour of Utah Stage 3 Photo Gallery by Dave Richards


August 2, 2017 – Stage 3 of the 2017 Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah was a 5.6 mile time trial up Big Cottonwood Canyon. Dave Richards, daverphoto.com captured the action in this gallery of 16 images. 

Under the watcheful eye of the TV moto, a Cylance rider catches and passes his "minute man" careful not to draft which is illegal during an individual time trial. Stage 3, Individual Time Trial Big Cottonwood Canyon, 2017 LHM Tour of Utah (Photo by Dave Richards, daverphoto.com)

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Under the watcheful eye of the TV moto, a Cylance rider catches and passes his "minute man" careful not to draft which is illegal during an individual time trial. Stage 3, Individual Time Trial Big Cottonwood Canyon, 2017 LHM Tour of Utah (Photo by Dave Richards, daverphoto.com)

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