SBR Mid-Week Cyclocross Series Launches


By Ryan Hamilton

If the morning chill brings back memories of dirt, mud, sweat and the pungent smell of embrocation then you my friend must be a fan of cyclocross. Wanting to fill a cyclocross void in Utah County and at the same time get in some training rides after the road season has ended, Orem’s SBR Triathlon bike shop has started a new early season mid-week cyclocross series. Every Tuesday from Aug. 31 – Oct. 18th you’ll be able to get your cyclocross fix and get in peak shape for the Utah Cyclocross Series. The series started off well with 38 people lining up for the first race. Cyclocross Pro Jonathan Page even showed up for the first race. If you’ve always wanted to give Cyclocross a try, SBR even has Blue Norcross bikes to demo at the races. For complete information, series info at

Location: Canyon River Office Park – mouth of Provo Canyon off 800 S. in Orem

Time: B and C classes 6:10 pm. A class 7:00 pm.

Cost: $15

Raffle prizes at each race and a chance to win a Blue Norcross frame at the end of the season.

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