Grants Offered to Junior Cyclists


Junior participation in cycling is often underrepresented, but most would agree that juniors are the future of the sport. Utah has a proud rich history of junior success stories, Dave Zabriskie, Jeff Louder, and Burke Swindlehurst to mention a few. All of these amazing riders started young and found support systems then gave them the opportunity to succeed.

Cycling is an expensive sport to become involved in. Fortunately there are organizations that help get juniors started in the sport, but even then, expenses add up and often inhibit progression by limiting opportunities for racing and training. The ability to provide monies to juniors to apply to racing, equipment, camps, and training should enable a path of progression and success.

ConsultNet, an information technology and engineering consulting company, is partnering with Young Endurance Athletes (YEA) of Utah to offer cycling grant opportunities. The cycling grants will be awarded up to eight junior athletes up to $500 dollars each. Each junior cyclist can apply for up to two $500 awards. Juniors need apply by Sunday April 21st in either electronic or hard copy. Grant winners will be chosen by the quality of their application and need of financial assistance. The grant will then be able to be used for the 2013 season. YEA and ConsultNet LLC are excited to start a tradition for seasons to come.

To apply, please contact Nate Thomas at (801) 957-3835 or [email protected].


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