Rise of Enduro Movie to Show in Salt Lake City


By Jessica Kunzer

Cycling Utah magazine and the Scott Enduro Cup presented by Vittoria have teamed together to bring “The Rise of Enduro” to Utah for its big screen debut in the state. The premier will take place Thursday, April 23 with two screenings, one at 7 p.m. and one at 8:30 p.m. Each show ticket will also include a raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets will also be sold onsite to benefit the Wasatch Area Freeride Trails Association (WAFTA). Tickets are available for $7 online now through April 22 on endurocupmtb.com or at the door for $10.

The film is glimpse at the history of enduro and the 2014 race season for the sport’s top athletes. Enduro is dominating the mountain bike world. This format – attracting DH racers, XC athletes and every type of rider in between – is quickly becoming the most popular form of mountain bike racing. “The Rise of Enduro” delves into the roots of the format while showcasing the world’s most respected riders racing some of the most epic, breathtaking terrain in the world. DVDs of the film are also available for purchase online at www.theriseofenduro.com/

For more information on the screening visit endurocup.com.

Note: Cycling Utah is a sponsor of the movie showing.

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