Family and Friends Celebrate the Life of Chase Pinkham


By Jared Eborn

Family and friends gathered on July 19, 2014 to celebrate the life
Family and friends gathered on July 19, 2014 to celebrate the life
of Chase Pinkham, a Utah cyclist who passed away in April. Photo by
Jared Eborn

Pinkham, a professional cyclist from Salt Lake City, passed away unexpectedly in April. Though he was only 23, Pinkham’s life touched the hearts of countless people whether on his bike, over a dinner table or when reenacting Civil War battles. Pinkham – who raced professionally for the Trek-Livestrong, Bissell Pro Cycling and Jamis-Hagens Berman cycling teams in recent years – was a friend to many.

A video tribute was prepared by Bill Cutting, a member of one of Pinkham’s earliest cycling teams. The tribute displayed photos and memories from Pinkham’s too-short cycling career as well as during his formative years growing up in Salt Lake City.

A portion of the awards and jerseys that Chase earned during his
A portion of the awards and jerseys that Chase earned during his
cycling career. Photo by Dave Iltis

Ava Pinkham, Chase’s sister, organized the ‘Celebration of Chase Pinkham’ as a way to help her brothers friends and family not only mourn the loss of their dear friend, but to embrace each other over precious memories.

As a central theme to the gathering, dozens of friends brought flowers. “As many of you may know, Chase loved himself some flowers,” Ava Pinkham wrote when inviting friends the to celebration, “in his honor, please bring a flower to pay tribute.”

The pot-luck dinner party was a casual affair with friends milling about, hugging, chatting and sharing memories over drinks and various snacks.

Chase Pinkham will not be forgotten in the Utah cycling community. Though he raced for only a handful of years, his impression was a lasting one. In his honor, the Chase Pinkham Memorial Criterium became part of the 2014 Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah race.


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