Peterson and Nalder Climb to Top of Podium in 2015 Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb – Report, Results, Photo Gallery

Breanne Nalder won the Pro Women's race in th 2015 Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb. Photo by Dave Iltis
Breanne Nalder won the Pro Women’s race in th 2015 Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb. Photo by Dave Iltis

2015 Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb – Report, Results, Photo Gallery

By Dave Iltis

The Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb was held on June 6, 2015, a day when the weather looked threatening but fortunately stayed clear.

214 racers lined up in the two main fields – citizen’s and licensed riders. The massive hill climb covers 14.7 miles and 3800 vertical feet from the front of the Porcupine Grill to Brighton Resort. It’s a tough climb, with extra steep sections by Storm Mountain and the S-Turns.

Note: For a complete photo gallery of all racers, see (Licensed racers photos start in the middle)

In the men’s pro/1/2 event, Mitchell Peterson (Canyon Bicycles Shimano) outdueled Cameron Hoffman (Endurance 360) and Chris McKay (unattached) to take the win. The field stayed together with 10-12 riders after the S-Turns and through the flats to Mill-D. There were a few attacks just before the next steep section near Silver Fork. Following one attack, Chris Mackay countered and Peterson and Hoffman went with him. “We had break of three going with Cameron Hoffman and Chris McKay.” Hoffman played it smart and wouldn’t work with the Peterson, who is a better climber. “Being in this position before with Cameron where he’s beat me in the sprint having not done any work. I knew he was saving something in reserve.” Peterson attacked on the steeper sections and finally shed the two at Camp Tuttle, just before Brighton. “Fortunately I was able to get away and hold it to the line.”

The Pro/1/2 Men's break at the Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb on June 6, 2015. Chris Mackay, race winner Mitchell Peterson, and Cameron Hoffmann dig deep. Photo by Dave Iltis.
The Pro/1/2 Men’s
break at the Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb on June 6,
2015. Chris Mackay, race winner Mitchell Peterson, and Cameron
Hoffmann dig deep.
Photo by Dave Iltis.

Peterson finished about 150 meters ahead of Hoffman and Mackay for the win. He followed up with a third place later that day in the Deer Valley Intermountain Cup Race.

In the women’s race, Breanne Nalder (DNA Cycling p/b K4 Racing). “I went hard from the gun to stay with the lead men as long as I could. I ended up in the first chase group. We stayed together the whole time.” She finished almost three minutes ahead of second place Mindy McCutcheon and five minutes ahead of third place Alison Frye. She was happy with the result, “I had a great day, it was fun out there today.”

Peterson and Nalder both took home a pair of Surface skis for their wins.

The Porcupine Hill Climb was promoted by the Porcupine Pub and Grill and the Porcupine Cycling Club.

Breanne Nalder and Mitchell Peterson each won a pair of Surface skis for winning the Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb. Photo by Dave Iltis
Breanne Nalder and Mitchell Peterson each won a pair of Surface skis for winning the 2015 Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hill Climb. Photo by Dave Iltis

For a complete photo gallery of all racers, see

Citizen’s Results:

Clyesdale                    1          Kevin  PERRENOUD                        1:37:36

999      Frank   SUERA                       0:00:00

MTB               1          Jeff      OJA                2:09:51


Female 20-29               1          Kate    JONES                        2:20:04

999      Anna   CASSELL                   0:00:00


30-39               1          Shannon          TUDDENHAM                     1:47:56

2          Celeste            SIMMONS                 1:48:11

3          Mary   OSORO                      1:48:13

999      Apryl  SAN NICOLAS                      0:00:00


40-49               1          Pam     DALCANTO             1:18:35

2          Andi    JONES                        1:46:59

3          Nellie   LINGWALL               2:09:52

4          Annette           JOHNSON                 9:00:30

999      Dixe     TIMMERMAN                     0:00:00


Under 20                     1          Emily  CASSELL                   2:13:22


Male    20-29               1          Taylor DAILY                        1:28:39

2          Zach    WAGNER                  1:37:33

3          Matthew         SHAW                        1:43:55

4          Alexander        DAILY                        1:50:20


30-39               1          Charles            GREENAWALD                    1:13:16

2          Matt    SNYDER                    1:15:22

3          Erme    CATINO                    1:16:44

4          Thomas           LANVERS                  1:22:18

5          Andy   WELCH                      1:27:29

6          Shane   DANGERFIELD                    1:27:59

7          Kyle    JENSEN                      1:28:37

8          Jason   PACKARD                1:28:42

9          Jared    SHAW                        1:33:25

10        Nicholas          LUMBY                     1:33:44

11        Ryan   STERNAGEL             1:35:41

12        Joseph FULKERSON                        1:50:09

13        Brady  WHEELER                 1:54:55

999      Bryan  OSORO                      0:00:00


40-49               1          Tom    THORNE                   1:17:27

2          Yaron  STEINHAUER                       1:20:14

3          Trev    UMBLE                      1:28:35

4          Joe       TOOLEY                    1:33:54

5          Eric      LINGWALL               1:34:08

6          John    VEST              1:34:20

7          John    O’CONNOR               1:34:24

8          Tyler   YORGASON              1:47:07

9          Robert JONES                        2:15:05

10        Steven WEST             2:16:22

11        Mark   MUIR             2:21:46

999      Erhan   AYAN                        0:00:00


50-99               1          David  HILLYARD                1:20:07

2          Earl      XAIZ              1:20:50

3          Joe       HUERTTI                  1:23:47

4          Michael           JOHNSON                 1:23:49

5          Joe       BUSBY                       1:23:59

6          Alan    JARRETT                  1:27:07

7          Scott    JENSEN                      1:40:58

8          Steve   MARTENEY             1:44:07

9          Jeff      DAVIS                        1:49:14

10        Rodney           JOHNSON                 1:54:27

11        Paul     CASSELL                   2:08:53

12        Lyn     SIMON                       2:26:43

999      Mark   BEEKHUIZEN                      0:00:00

Under 29                     1          Ethan   JONES                        1:40:33


Licensed Results:

Discipline        Gender            Category         Age      Place    First Name      Last Name       Team Name     Time

Road Race


Female Cat1/2/3/4                   1          Breanne           NALDER        DNA Cycling p/b K4 1:08:51

2          Mindy MCCUTCHEON       Canyon Bicycles         1:11:49

3          Alison FRYE  Ski Utah|PLAN 7        1:14:14

4          Lindsay           WETZEL POLIN       Sprintin Kitten            1:34:36


35-99   1          Brookanne       MICKELSON            Team Red Rock          1:13:44

2          Marci  KIMBALL     Team Tosh p/b Hyperthreads            1:17:25

3          Dulee   TAZZI                        1:17:45

4          Laura   HOWAT         Ski Utah|Plan 7           1:20:22

5          Mary   EMERSON     Team Tosh p/b Hyperthreads            1:23:09

6          Marlene           HATCH          Max Testa Training    1:29:18

7          Debora            ADAM           Harristone/Sun Valley Mortgage        1:30:58

8          Kari     BRADLEY     Team Podium  1:44:19

9          Dianna WRIGHT        inifinte cycles  1:49:49

996      Margaret         DOUGLASS   Team Endurance 360

Cat3/4             1          Chelsea            WOOD                       1:23:46

2          Anjulie            ERNST                       1:25:28

3          Ingrid   HANSEN        Team Endurance360   1:29:34

4          Summer           DUNN            Porcupine Cycling      1:32:08

5          Lorri    ZENONI         Infinite Cycles            1:37:35

6          Kelsey REDD SBR     1:47:07

7          Rebecca           LOUVIERE    Velocia            1:50:24

8          Stephanie        CHRISTIAN              1:50:57

9          Charcie            REBALKIN    Velocia Cycling           1:54:56


Male    Cat1/2/3          35-99   1          Mark   ZIMBELMAN           Volo Cycling Clothing – Jumex           1:07:39

2          Jared    KIRBY            Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team         1:14:36

996      Grayson          MILLARD     Cicada Racing  0:00:00


Cat1/2/3/4       45-99   1          Kyle    BROWN         Ski Utah|Plan 7           1:08:07

2          Christoph        HEINRICH     Cicada Racing Inc.       1:08:15

3          Scott    ALLEN           canyon bicycles          1:10:38

4          Andrew           LOCK Millcreek Bicycles      1:10:52

5          Bruce   BILODEAU   Canyon Bicycles / Shimano    1:11:09

6          Kenneth          MORRIS        FFKR – CONTENDER RACING     1:11:50

7          Mark   TODD            Canyon Bicycles – Shimano    1:12:56

8          Dan     KADRMAS   Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team         1:14:55

9          Chris   HARD            Cicada Racing Inc. p/b Mark Mi        1:15:47

10        Joshua UDALL          Volo Cycling   1:17:39

11        Stephen           TUELLER      Bountiful Mazda Cycling Team         1:19:15

96        Brian   O’MEAVA


Cat1/2/3/4/5    55-99   1          Carl     NIELSON       CA Technologies Racing         1:09:04

2          Dirk     COWLEY       Velosport Racing        1:14:57

3          Mark   MESSICK       Bountiful Mazda        1:17:21

4          Brian   DAVIS            Spiderbait Cycling      1:17:30

5          Ken     LOUDER        FFKR – CONTENDER RACING     1:19:19

6          Greg    WOLFER        FFKR Architects Racing        1:20:06

7          Andres            MARICQ                   1:20:07

8          Jeff      HANDWERK            Contender       1:21:56

9          Dwight            HIBDON        FFKR – CONTENDER RACING     1:25:28

10        Shannon          STORRUD     Porcupine Cycling      1:26:24

996      William            KILLION        Infinite Cycles            0:00:00


Cat3/4             1          Samuel DEARDEN     Ski Utah l Plan 7         1:05:17

2          Jason   LINDER         Intermountain LiVe Well        1:08:35

3          Jeramy            MARTIN                   1:08:55

4          Charlie MACFARLANE        FFKR- Contender Racing       1:13:30

5          Adam  JONES            Team Volo/Jumex       1:19:12

6          Teal     BUCHI                       1:30:11


Cat4/5             1          Andrew           DORAIS                     1:04:42

2          Dallas  ZURCHER     Veracity Racing           1:04:58

3          Lucas   PARKER        Spider Bait Cycling     1:05:39

4          Gregory           BEST              1:10:37

5          Taylor EDWARDS    Infinite Cycles            1:10:45

6          Bryan  HULL SaltCycle-INTELLITECHS   1:12:18

7          Garrison          ASPER                        1:13:31

8          Jared    MEYERS        FFKR – CONTENDER RACING     1:13:44

9          Scott    DUNN            Porcupine Cycling      1:14:36

10        Alec     EROR             1:14:49

11        Nathan            MANWARING         LiVe Well p/b Bountiful Bicycl          1:14:56

12        Jacob   GARRETT     Garrett Capital Cycling          1:15:19

13        Andrew           RICHARDS                1:15:24

14        Mike   SMITH           SBR Cycles     1:15:58

15        Brent   BALLARD                 1:16:40

16        Shawn HALL OneSource.CARE       1:16:55

17        Jason   DAHL             1:17:12

18        Alan    HOGAN         Premier Credit – Henry Walker           1:17:20

19        Bob     PERRY                       1:17:27

20        Rob     HARROW      Mi Duole/Barbacoa     1:17:54

21        Matei  DAN   Georgia Tech Cycling 1:19:18

22        Drew   DEMARCO   Canyon Bicycles Shimano      1:21:03

23        Nate    HANSEN        Canyon Bicycles – Shimano    1:21:49

24        Tyler   REDD SBR     1:21:49

25        Lee      SCHULTZ      OneSource.CARE       1:21:55

26        Quincy            THOMAS      OneSource.CARE       1:21:55

27        Adam  BARKER        Mi Duole/Barbacoa     1:22:11

28        Tyler   MULLINS      Garrett Capital Cycling          1:22:59

29        Samson            MADSEN       Garrett Capital            1:23:33

30        Jonathan          NEWMAN                 1:25:51

31        Cody   JACOBS         Porcupine cycling team           1:26:57

32        Sid       BIGGS                        1:27:15

33        Jordan MEYER                      1:27:27

34        Sean     BIGGS                        1:27:48

35        Peter    YARBROUGH                      1:29:19

36        Matt    BEAL  Hoback/Nuun  1:30:21

37        Spencer           BROWN         FFKR Contender Racing        1:30:33

38        Stacy   JOHNSON                 1:30:33

39        Nate    BENCH          SBR Cycles     1:30:47

40        Jack     SHUCKRA     FFKR – CONTENDER RACING.    1:44:22

41        Josh     KNOWLTON            ABC Communications            1:44:46

996      Gunnar            JEANNETTE

Stuart  ANDERSON  Mi Duole

James  OWEN


35-99   1          Jacob   CROCKETT  FFKR – CONTENDER RACING     1:08:15

2          Spencer           JOHNSON     spider bait cycling       1:08:16

3          Albert  DALCANTO Millcreek bicycles       1:08:17

4          Richard            DALCANTO Millcreek Bicycles      1:08:51

5          Dwaine            ALLGIER       Zanconato Racing       1:10:36

6          Troy    GORMAN     Team Tosh p/b Hyperthreads            1:11:25

7          Matthew         PAYNE           Domo  1:12:26

8          Chad    CURTIS          Veracity Racing           1:12:56

9          Preston            EDWARDS    Infinite Cycles            1:13:46

10        Jeff      BYBEE           Ski Utah|PLAN7         1:14:08

11        Bryan  GEE    ICE/Pocatello Orthopaedics & S        1:14:10

12        Brian   BROADBENT                       1:15:11

13        Jason   BRAITHWAITE        Spider Bait Cycling     1:15:20

14        Mark   SMITH           Logan Race Club         1:16:57

15        Daniel  THUNELL     LiVe Well p/b Bountiful Bicycl          1:17:22

16        Rick     MILLER         FFKR – CONTENDER RACING     1:17:23

17        Michael           JOHNSON                 1:18:43

18        Dave    BENSON        disco mystic    1:19:15

19        Brandon          STORRS         Infinite Cycles            1:19:30

20        Alex     ARMSTRONG          Canyon Bicycles Shimano      1:20:00

21        Stephen           ROGERS        Infinite Cycles            1:20:21

22        Moses FERNANDEZ            Canyon Bicycles Shimano      1:20:30

23        Ryan   TANNER                   1:22:59

24        Spencer           CHIPPING     Barbacoa – Mi Duole  1:23:00

25        Paul     FIGGAT         Infinite cycle   1:23:20

26        Parker  SMITH           A Bloc 1:24:41

27        Jeremy            COLEMAN    A Bloc 1:27:13

28        Mike   CANNON      SWCA 1:27:20

29        William            KILLION        Infinite Cycles            1:27:22

30        Michael           RUSSELL       Infinite Cycles            1:27:42

31        Steve   PACE  Infinite Cycles            1:27:59

32        Kevin  GIBSON         ICE  Pocatello Orthopaedics &          1:35:34

33        Dennis BLUME          Porcupine Cycling      1:38:21

34        Andre  SHOPNATOFT                     1:44:58

35        Aaron  MULLINS      Racers Cycle Service   1:50:22

996      Phillip DAHL Rapha Cycling Club


Pro/1/2/3                     1          Mitchell          PETERSON    Canyon Bicycles-Shimano      1:03:35

2          Cameron          HOFFMAN   Team Endurance 360  1:03:46

3          Chris   MACKAY                  1:03:53

4          Patrick CASEY           Canyon Bicycles-Shimano      1:04:23

5          Taylor “tj”      EISENHART  BMC Devo Team       1:04:25

6          Jared    BREWER        velo sport racing         1:04:43

7          Roger   ARNELL        Team Endurance360   1:04:53

8          Justin  GRIFFIN        FFKR – Contender Racing      1:05:47

9          Will     HANSON       Ski Utah | PLAN7       1:07:25

10        Eric      ELLIS  Unicity International  1:07:27

11        Clint    MORTLEY    LiVeWell p/b Bountiful Bicycle         1:08:51

12        Kodey MYERS                      1:10:47

996      Jason   HENDRICKSON       Ski Utah|PLAN7

Max     POLIN            Sprintin Kitten

Nathan            STEELE          cicada racing

Rob     SMALLMAN            Team Endurance360


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