Dixie Mountain Bike Trails Summit to be held March 28-30, 2013 in St. George


Southwestern Utah mountain bike trail enthusiasts will hold a summit involving regional advocacy experts and governmental officials. From March 28th through 30th the First Annual Dixie Trails and Advocacy Summit will meet to learn how to go from Planning to Action to grow mountain biking opportunities in Southern Utah.

Summit meeting topics include: -BLM trails planning and mapping for the region -Economic and community benefits of mountain biking -Getting involved in advocacy -Sustainable trail building techniques -Area branding -Developing partnerships and making connections And many more. Presenters include individuals from organizations ranging from the BLM to IMBA.

Details are available here: http://dmbta.org/2013-summit/

Download the flier here: 2013Dixietrailsummit_Flyer5

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