New Park City Trail Map Now Available


By Lora Smith — A new edition of the Mountain Trails Foundation (MTF) Park City Trail Map, sponsored in part by, describes roughly 400 miles of IMBA Gold Level, non-motorized trails in the greater Park City area.

Although the map is not specific to cycling and includes hike only terrain, the vast majority of Park City’s trail system is open to cycling. For a mere $5.00 donation, you can get your hands on a rip-stop gem of a map describing green, blue and black trails. The map also indicates trailheads, elevations, landmarks and waypoints. This year’s edition features three new trails: Sam’s (in the Deer Valley area), Mojave (in the PCMR area) and PC Hill (connecting to Round Valley).

In accordance with MTF’s mission to increase user etiquette, there are reminders on right-of-way and pointers on good trail behavior. MTF strongly urges cyclists to keep in mind that riding on these trails is a privilege, not a right – and that the privilege hinges on honoring the right for all trail users, wildlife included, to enjoy a safe journey.

Throw 5 bucks in any one of the numerous “map jars” placed in supporting businesses throughout Park City to buy a copy of the map. And while in Park City, consider thanking our 31 Adopt-A-Trail sponsors which are listed by name and trail on the map’s back cover.

For more information, visit


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