SelectHealth Cyclists Raise More than $80,000 for American Diabetes Association


The numbers are in. As part of the American Diabetes Association’s annual Tour de Cure, SelectHealth and its team of cyclists have raised $84,712 for diabetes research and prevention—the second highest fundraising total in the nation.

Now in its fourth year of participating in the national cycling event, the SelectHealth team has grown to 255 riders, making it the largest single-site team in the country. The team is comprised of SelectHealth and Intermountain Healthcare employees, as well as community members from around the state.

“Many people participate in the Tour de Cure for the stimulating competition, camaraderie, and physical cycling challenge but SelectHealth takes this event to a whole new level as a sponsor, team, and volunteers,” said Sara Prevost, National Tour de Cure Associate Director. “They show the community what involvement should look like and it is inspiring to see their passion for the cause. The Tour de Cure in Utah wouldn’t be the same without SelectHealth.”

Team SelectHealth is already gearing up for next year’s ride, to be held June 11, 2011, in Brigham City.

For details about the tour, visit

About Tour de Cure

Tour de Cure is a series of fundraising cycling events held in 43 states nationwide to benefit the American Diabetes Association. The Tour is a ride, not a race, with routes designed for everyone from the occasional rider to the experienced cyclist. Since Tour de Cure’s beginning in 1991, thousands of individual riders and teams have participated to support the American Diabetes Association’s mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

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