Ultimate Challenge Set for August 6, 2016


The Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah is proud to announce that registration for the seventh edition of The Ultimate Challenge presented by University of Utah Health Care will open in mid-March. Look for significant improvements to this 100-plus mile citizen endurance ride that will take place on Saturday, Aug. 6. The event will again take place on the same day and route as Stage 6 of the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah.

The 2016 Ultimate Challenge presented by University of Utah Health Care will be limited to 750 registered riders. Check for updates by March 15 at the website www.RideUltimateChallenge.com, as well as Facebook (UltimateChallengeBike) and Twitter (UCbikeride). The event is called America’s Toughest One-Day Cycling Adventure…plan to make it one of your top adventures for 2016.

Event Details:

August 6 — The Ultimate Challenge Presented by University of Utah Health Care|, Salt Lake City, UT, Ride like the pros! Challenge yourself to ride the Tour of Utah’s Queen Stage, finishing at Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort. 109 miles., Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah , 801-325-2500, [email protected], tourofutah.com, rideultimatechallenge.com


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