Smith Pivlock Overdrive Product Review – Finally, Good Sunglasses That Fit


By David Ward

Product Review – Smith Pivlock Overdrive sunglasses: I admit it. I am a sSmith Pivlock Overdriveunglasses tightwad. Whenever I see the display of cheap sunglasses at a grocery store or gas station, I look for some I consider attractive and try them on to see if they fit reasonably well. I have a smaller head (appropriately sized, some would say, for my level of intelligence) and have a hard time finding sunglasses that fit. Most of them slide down my nose because the ear pieces are too long, the nose pads too wide and/or simply a molded part of the slick plastic frame. Part of why I am a sunglasses tightwad is that I hate spending money on sunglasses that never fit quite right.

So it was a real treat to be given a pair of Smith Pivlock Overdrive sunglasses to test and review. Frankly, this is the best pair of sunglasses I have had since a pair of sunglasses I bought nearly ten years ago at a Bikes4Kids charity auction. Not coincidentally, Smith made both pair. In fact, these are better than those. And I still have those, having used them somewhat sparingly to preserve them for the more important events. Silly, I know. But I use the cheap gas station purchases for the rigors of everyday use and getting banged around in the car.

I love these glasses. Thanks to the nose pads which adjust for either a narrow or wide nose, and the firm earpieces which are longer than what usually works for me, these sunglasses stay firmly planted on the bridge of my nose, evening through jarring bumps. That is a rarity for me, and thus a big plus. They also integrate well with my helmet.

They are durable and well constructed. The hinges on the earpieces are spring loaded so they stay in place when open and closed. There are three sets of interchangeable lenses, dark (Platinum), rose (Red Sol-X) and clear. When riding at different times of the day, and in different conditions, it is nice to have these alternatives. I especially like the Red Sol-X lenses for sunset and overcast conditions. They work reasonably well even when sunny, thus making them a good all-around lens for variable conditions or if your ride takes you into the dusk hours.

My pair came in a favorite color of mine, carbide red. They also come with a durable carrying case and a small bag.

These sunglasses come with a lifetime warranty for defects in materials and workmanship. Also, new lenses can be purchased from Smith which is a nice option. Too many times I ditch my cheap sunglasses because of a simple scratch. If you are paying good money for quality sunglasses, it nice to be able to purchase replacement lenses. There is also an option to send the sunglasses to Smith for repairs if they are broken.

Rating: HC (5 Stars)


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