Organizations Urge CA Gov. Newsom to Sign SB127 “Complete Streets” Bill


SACRAMENTO (September 26, 2019) – 70 organizations have signed a support letter sent to Governor Gavin Newsom, asking for his signature on SB 127, the Complete Streets for Active Living Bill. The letter highlights the ways in which this law will support California’s climate and transportation goals.

In particular, this bill aligns closely with the Governor’s recent Executive Order and gives a direct action step to the goals listed, including reducing vehicle miles traveled and “funding transportation options that contribute to the overall health of Californians and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as transit, walking, biking, and other active modes.”

The Complete Streets for Active Living Bill requires Caltrans to add features that benefit people who walk or bike when it repairs or repaves a local street. If a project can’t include Complete Streets, the bill requires more transparency from Caltrans on why the department can’t provide such features. SB 127 is a cost-effective, common sense way to build the green infrastructure California needs.

The organizations supporting the Complete Streets for Active Living Bill represent a range of interests including seniors, environmental groups, bicycle advocates, pedestrian advocates, and more.

Downloadable PDF of Complete Streets Support Letter 

Article courtesy California Bicycle Coalition (

Cycling West would also like to encourage its readers residing in California as well as outside the state to contact Governor Newsom to express support for this bill. Please call the Governor’s Office at  (916) 445-2841 and ask him to sign SB 127, the Complete Streets for Active Living Bill. Non-California residents should indicate how bicycle infrastructure and safe streets influence their decisions on where to vacation.

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  1. To whom it may concern,
    Who we are riding bicycle all around the world need governor,municipality support no matter where we live or cycle,please help world worth live in it.

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