National Advocacy News


June 21, 2010

National News

Safe Routes to School Victory
Last week, House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) targeted the
federal Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program established under the
2005 Federal Surface Transportation Bill (SAFETEA-LU) as wasteful
government spending in his weekly “YouCut program”. He chooses five
programs that he deems wasteful and asks the public to vote on which
one should be cut first. Thanks to everyone who sent out alerts on
this, we got good results. The public voted, and SRTS was not chosen
as the most wasteful program. However, Cantor’s Press Secretary said
that biking and walking programs would be targeted in the future.

Learn more and speak up for Safe Routes to School today.

National Biking and Walking Study Update
The National Biking and Walking Study was first issued in 1994 with a
specific 69-point action plan. Fifteen years later it is updated
again. We are pleased that the study reports bicycle use and walking
went up from 8 percent to 12 percent of trips and that fatalities
involving the two modes are down 12 percent and 22 percent
respectfully since 1994. Read our blog to see what we would like to
happen next.

World News

Velo-City Global 2010
Velo-City Global 2010 starts today, June 22 and runs through June 25.
League staffers (who are very excited!), along with the event’s MC and
League President Andy Clarke, will be attending the event and learning
and sharing with cycling representatives from around the world. We
will be blogging throughout the conference. Keep up with Velo-City
news via the Bike League Blog.

Local News

Vancouver Wash.’s Bike Program Threatened
A few weeks ago we alerted you on Vancouver’s threatened Bike Program
funding. As a result, residents, business owners, bike club members
and advocates spoke out in favor of reinstating this funding at the
City Council’s hearing. League President Andy Clarke wrote Vancouver’s
Mayor Leavitt asking him to look into the matter and work to reinstate
the funding. Mayor Leavitt responded, “City transportation and budget
staff are presently scouring the budgets” to find funding for the bike
program, according to

While our message is being heard, we still need your help. The Bicycle
Transportation Alliance (BTA) recommends the following steps: 1. Write
or call City Council Members. 2. Attend the hearing at Council
Chambers today, June 21st at 7 p.m., and be prepared to deliver
testimony. 3. Ask for the $200,000 of currently uncommitted funding to
be dedicated to Vancouver’s bike program. 4. You can use the BTA’s
Advocacy Toolkit to help craft your message.

Black Hawk, Colo. Bans Bikes
Colorado is known for its bicycle-friendliness, boasting 11 Bicycle
Friendly Communities – including Platinum-level Boulder. However, the
town of Black Hawk, Colo. recently banned all bikes and is issuing
tickets to those “caught” riding a bicycle. Bicycle Colorado will be
holding a rally Tuesday, June 29 at Colorado’s state capitol. Get
details here.

Read our blog to find how you can take action now.

Unique Ciclovia
A few cities in the U.S., including League Bicycle Friendly
Communities Madison, Wis. and Washington, D.C., have organized more
traditional South American style ciclovia events. The events typically
occur on Saturday or Sunday on a city’s main streets. The main drag
becomes car-free and only open to pedestrians, bicyclists and skaters.
Ciclovias are a celebration of livable streets and communities,
encouraging citizens and businesses to get out in the street and enjoy
their city. Recently, Lexington, Ky. had a somewhat nontraditional
version of a ciclovia at the local airport’s brand new tarmac. Click
here to read more.

League News

Bike Better Contest – Win a Bike!
The League sponsored Bike Better Contest, this June 18 through July
12, is your chance to win a Trek Allant commuter bicycle. The League
makes bicycling better for all through advocacy and education, and now
we want to make bicycling better for you. Enter today, and you could
be the lucky winner biking their errands in style. See contest.

Andy Clarke Hits Kansas Cycling Airways
The Kansas Cyclists recently interviewed Andy Clarke for their podcast
radio show. The discussion spans the League’s Bicycle Friendly
America, education and advocacy programs while painting a larger
picture of our nation’s bicycling movement. Listen to the show.
Job Opportunities

Active Living Kansas City Jobs
Active Living Kansas City, Mo. has several openings including Safer
Routes KC Manager, Active Living KC Coordinator, and Dietician –
Active Living KCC. Please submit cover letter and resume to: Deb
Ridgway, Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator, City Hall – 20th Floor, 414
East 12th Street, Kansas City, MO 64106. Application deadline: July 6,
2010. Visit for more info.

The League of American Bicyclists promotes bicycling for fun, fitness
and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a
bicycle-friendly America. The League represents the interests of
America’s 57 million bicyclists, including its 300,000 members and
affiliates. For more information or to support the League, visit

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