REI Bike Events for July


DATE: June 10th 2010
CONTACT: Celeste Eppler
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: (801) 486-2100 ext. 207

Bike Maintenance Basics
Thursday, July 15th, 7:00 pm at REI Sandy
If you ride a bike, you need this class! In this informative
presentation you’ll learn how to lube a chain, fix a flat tire in
record time, and make other minor adjustments to your bike. No
experience necessary!

Mountain Biking
, July 22nd, 7:00 pm at REI
out what to look for when purchasing a new mountain bike or
modifying your existing one. There will also be a discussion about
gear, clothing, safety, and where you can go riding. We will also
cover basic skills like how to balance, climb, descend, corner, brake,
and get past obstacles.
GPS Basics
Thursday, July 29th, 7:00 pm at REI Sandy
Participants attending this presentation will receive a basic overview
of the features and functions of a GPS unit. Instruction includes GPS
setup, capturing waypoints, working with coordinates, and waypoint
navigation. If you are new to using a GPS unit, this class will help
you get started.

SALT LAKE CITY – The following presentations are offered free of
charge to the public at the Salt Lake City REI store. REI is located
at 3285 East & 3300 South. Registration is strongly recommended. For
more information and to register, please call 486-2100 or visit our
website at

Bike Maintenance Basics
Tuesday, July 6th, 7:00 pm REI Salt Lake City
If you ride a bike, you need this class! In this informative
presentation you’ll learn how to lube a chain, fix a flat tire in
record time, and make other minor adjustments to your bike. No
experience necessary!

Bicycle Touring 101 and Beyond
Thursday, July 15th
Have you ever dreamed of traveling on your bike? Lou Melini will get
you started on all of the basics from an overnight bike tour to a 3
month trip across the United States. He has bike traveling experience
that goes back to a 1975 bike tour across the United States. If you
are an experienced bike traveler come learn a few tips or share your
experiences. This will be a fun evening motivating everyone to travel
by bike. Lou, a member of Adventure Cycling since 1976, will be the
ACA ambassador raffling off free Adventure Cycling Association
memberships. Come for a chance to win one! (Must be present to win)

CLASSES: The following educational opportunities are hosted by REI
and available for a fee. Register at required at
or in person at any REI Customer Service.
Hands-on Bike Maintenance Workshop
Saturday, July 31st, 9:00am-1:00 pm at REI Sandy
We provide the tools and stands, all you need is to bring your bike;
either mountain or road. We prefer that you have basic bike
maintenance knowledge or that you have attended one of our Basic Bike
Maintenance classes. Class size is limited to 5 students. Cost $95 for
REI Members & $115 for non-members

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