Utah Mountain Biking and Road Biking News
Our July 2010 Issue is now available as a PDF (7.2 mb download) - The Basics of Bike Fit, Letters, CarboRocket Review, Heads Up Riding, Bone Health for Cyclists, Bike Fit for Bike Commuters, Accessories for the Bike Commuter, Pedalfest Report, High Uintas Report, Rush Valley Ride, Powder Mountain Hillclimb, Draper City Trails, Utah and Idaho Enhancements Report, 5 Tips for Better MTB Photos, Touring in Bulgaria, OpenSprints, Results, Commuter Column, Mechanics Corner, Calendar and More!
New: The ads in the pdf are now hyperlinks - click on them to go to the advertiser's webpage.
Pick up a copy at your favorite bike shop or other location today.
Our June 2010 Issue is now available as a PDF (7.2 mb download) - Mid-Mountain and Crest Trails, Clear the Air Challenge, Wasatch Trails, Achtune Review, Pacelines, Choosing an MTB Tire, Commuting with a Load, Sundance Spin report, Bear Lake Classic, Government Liability, State Crit Champs, A Day in the Life of the Tour Divide, Advice from 5 Women Bike Tourers, Results, Commuter Column, Mechanics Corner, Calendar and More! |
Our May 2010 Issue is now available as a PDF (7.4 mb download) - Utah Bike Month Preview, Annual Club Guide part II, Tri for Women Book Review, Bicycle Relays, Road Tires, Sources of Foot Pain, Cholla Challenge, Road Teamwork, Velodrome update, Tour de Depot, Junior Road Racing, Hell of the North, Bike Art, Jacob City Trail, Wasatch Wilderness, Salt Lake's Silver City Reward, Conversation with Bicycle Touring Pro, Results, Commuter Column, Mechanics Corner, Calendar and More! |
Celebrate Bike Month in May!! Full Event Listing here
New! Cycling Utah has two new publications: The Rocky Mountain Race Guide and the Rocky Mountain Tour Guide. The guides include a calendar of events for Colorado and New Mexico, as well as Utah and Wyoming. These are available at your favorite Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming bike shop or as downloads (click on images to the right). |
Our April 2010 Issue is now available as a PDF (6.6 mb download) - Annual Club Guide, Desert Rampage, Utah Bike Summit Preview, dznuts Review, Tubeless Systems, Tour del Sol, Chase Pinkham and Alisha Welsh profiles, Frozen Hog, Bike Friendly SLC Businesses, Phil Wood Profile, My Way to Zion Tour, Results, Commuter Column, Mechanics Corner, Calendar and More! |
Our March 2010 Issue is now available as a PDF (7.5 mb download) - Cycling With the Scouts, Stop Sign Legislation, Ironman Preview, Bicycle Commuter Act, Trek Profile, SLC Commuters: Mayor Becker and Becka Roolf, FredCast Profile, Tara Mckee Profile, Red Cliffs Desert Reserve, Early Season Race Tactics, WyToAz, Tour Around the Oquirrhs, Results, Commuter Column, Mechanics Corner, Calendar and More! |
March 15 - Complete 2010 Calendars are now posted! See links on the left. The 2010 club guide is also posted. |
Our Fall Winter 2009 Issue is now available as a PDF (5.6 mb download) - Rider of the Year Awards, Terry McGinnis - Passing of a Champion, Amsterdam's Culture of Cycling, World Speed Record, Economic Impact of Bicycling, Park City Point to Point, Madsen Profile, Cargo Bikes, Lotoja, 24 Hours of Moab, Cyclocross #4, Winter Training, Touring on the Western Express Route, Results, Commuter Column, Mechanics Corner, Calendar and More! |
Our September 2009 Issue is now available as a PDF (8.9 mb download) - Tour of Utah Coverage, A week in Provence, Mike and the Bike Review, Trails editorial, Cyclist's Manifesto Review, Collarbone Injuries, ICS Finals, Turkey Farm Loop, Cyclocross Injuries, A Bicycle Trip Around Central Utah, Results, Commuter Column, Mechanics Corner, Calendar and More! |
Utah Cyclocross Race Series #2 Photos posted. 10-10-09.
Solitude Intermountain Cup Photos posted.
Our August 2009 Issue is now available as a PDF (8.9 mb download) - Etape du Tour Ride, Tour of Utah Preview, Sun Safety, Illegal Trail Building, Pedicabs, Practical Cyclist Review, Shop Directory, Results, Couch Potato's Guide to the Tour, Commuter Column, Brian Head Trails, Solitude ICS, Riking, U of U Cycling Team, Mechanics Corner, Chalk Creek, Ann Hoffman Interview, Foot Pain, Southern Tier Tour, Calendar and More! |
Our July 2009 Issue is now available as a PDF (8.9 mb download) - Clear the Air Challenge, Little Red Riding Hood, Touring Book Reviews, High Uintas Hypothermia Fest II, Escalante's Great Western Trail, Pedalfest, WickWerks, Little Mountain Road Race, Hoodoo 500 Preview, Hydration Guide, Grand Canyon Connector Tour, Route 211, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
Our June 2009 Issue is now available as a PDF (8 mb download) - David Clinger Interview, Klunkerz Review, Miles from Nowhere, Bear Lake Classic, White Pine to Bunch Grass, Dave's Trail, Sugarhouse Crit, Mountain Trails Profile, Pace Yourself, Il Tour di Vino, Specialized Profile, Tour of Utah Teams, Route 211, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
Our May 2009 Issue is now available as a PDF (12 mb download) - Utah Bike Month, Tour of the Depot, Goulds Trail, New Triathlons, Tour Preparation TeamGive, Eagle Mountain Bike Park, Major Taylor Book Review, Logan Riding, Cholla Challenge, Route 211, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
Our April 2009 Issue is now available as a PDF (9.6 mb download) - Club Guide, Milo Hadlock Interview, Rampage, Cycling Posture, Stimulus Update, Amasa Back, Ironman to St. George, Tour of Northern Utah, Ogden Profile, Route 211, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
New! Cycling Utah has two new publications: The Rocky Mountain Race Guide and the Rocky Mountain Tour Guide. The guides include a calendar of events for Colorado and New Mexico, as well as Utah and Wyoming. These are available at your favorite Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming bike shop or as downloads (click on images to the right).
Our March 2009 Issue is now available as a PDF (6.8 mb download) - Frozen Hog, Getting Started with Road Racing, Q Factor, Share the Road Plate Update Santa Clara Trails, Route 211, Utah Cyclocross Wrap-up, Suspension Class, Fueling for the Long Haul, Nutrition 101, The Beast and ICS Wrap, Results, Schofield vs. SLC, Commuter Column, Touring Idaho's Hot Springs, Gator Sports Profile, Calendar and More! |
2009 Calendar and Club pages are now posted.
Rocky Mountain Raceways Criterium 3-14-09 photos are now posted here
Rocky Mountain Raceways Criterium 3-7-09 photos are now posted here
Utah Cyclocross Series Race #3, 6, 9, and Last Call photos here.
Fall/Winter 2008 Issue is now available as a PDF (7.4 mb download) - Cycling Utah Awards, Riding With a Light, First Endurance Profile, Power Training for Cyclocross, Cyclocross Photo Gallery, Lotoja, 24 Hours of Moab, Bromka's Farewell, Brian Head NMBS, Commuter Column, Results, A Bike Friendly U of U?, Dew Tour and 48 Straight, Touring the Northeast, Wasatch Wilderness, Riding in Babylon, Calendar and More! |
September 2008 Issue is now available as a PDF (6.6 mb download) - Tour of Utah Coverage, Fat Cyclist Interview, American MTB Stage Race, Tour de Donut, Triathlon Training, Red Canyon Trail, Wolverine Ridge, Snowbird Hill Climb and Short Story Contest, Touring Yellowstone, Fixing Your Derailleur Hanger, Family Tandem Touring, Cyclocross Preview, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
August 2008 Issue is now available as a PDF (9 mb download) - Tour of Utah Race Guide and Preview, Deer Valley National, Chalk Creek RR, Mechanic for a World Champion , Solitude ICS, Fixies at the Tour de Cure, Bike Fitting, Utah Velodrome, Mechanic's Corner, Perfect 10, Solstice Ride, Downhill Series, Edge Composites, Suspension Tuning, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
July 2008 Issue is now available as a PDF (11 mb download) - Dave Zabriskie Interview, Lotoja Power Info, IMBA Summit, High Uintas Report, Hydration 101, Great Western Trail, Deer Valley Pedalfest, State Road Race, Bicycle (The History), Sharing Our Rural Canyons, Commuter Column, Calendar and More!
Pick up a copy at your favorite bike shop or other location today.
June 2008 Issue is now available as a PDF (11 mb download) - MS bike Tour, Lower Back Care, Bicycle Songs, Flying Dog Trail, Southern Utah Bike Touring, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
May 2008 Issue is now available as a PDF (14 mb download) - Marty Jemison Interview, Bike Month Preview, Things We Carry, Hamstring Health, Cholla Challenge, Gooseberry Mesa Trail, Road Racing Reports, Dutch Cycling, Bike Touring in Cuba, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
April 2008 Issue is now available as a PDF (5.2 mb download) -The Climbs of the Tour de France Part II, St. George Advocacy, Bike Club Guide, Triathlon Pre-Race Prep, Desert Rampage, Richard Barnum-Reece, Salt Lake Road Riding, Mechanic's Corner, Dentistry and Bikes, Common Mountain Bike Injuries, Urban Canyon Riding, The Trans-Wasatch Traverse, Commuter Column, Calendar and More!
Pick up a copy at your favorite bike shop or other location today (April 1).
February 19 - 2008 Event Calendars are posted!
Photos from the RMR Crit - 3-15-08 are posted here.
Photos from the RMR Crit - 3-22-08 are posted here.
March 2008 Issue is now available as a PDF (5.2 mb download) - Riding the Climbs of the Tour de France, Surviving your first Triathlon, Frozen Hog, A Wisconsin Bike Tour, Logan Advocacy, Hamstring Health, Results, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
Fall/Winter 2007 Issue is now available as a PDF (5.5 mb download) - Cycling Utah Awards,Air Pollution and Cycling, Choosing a Saddle, Pawn Shop Oddyssey, Cyclocross tips and book review, A Colorado Bike Tour, Lotoja, Saltair Ride, I Think I Canyons, A Conversation with Saul Raisin, Results, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
Ski Photos
Wasatch Citizen Series #2 Ski Race Photos from the January 5th 15 km free race at White Pine are posted here. The kids race is first, followed by the adult/junior race. You can find your photo by bib number or look in the lost and found for photos where the bib number isn't clear.
Cyclocross Photos
Photos are now posted from December 8th's Utah Cyclocross Series Race #10 at Ft. Buenaventura here.
Photos are now posted from November 22nd's Utah Cyclocross Series Race #8 at Wheeler Farm here.
Photos are now posted from September 30th's Utah Cyclocross Series Race #1 at Ft. Buenaventura here.
Photo Sale: 35% off of all previous years' event photos (road, mountain, cx) in our Photo Gallery!
Southern Nevada Stage Race kicks off area road racing in Las Vegas, January 25-27, 2008.
September 2007 Issue is now available as a PDF (10 mb download) - Snowbird Hillclimb, Josie Johnson Ride, Santurbane Hurt, Breathe Right, Letters to the Editor, Cyclocross Introduction, Handcycling, 24 Hour Survival Guide, Wolverine Ridge, Strawberry Narrows Ride, XTERRA, Road Racing wrap-up, A Conversation with Eric Heiden, Alleycat Racing, Results, Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
August 2007 Issue is now available as a PDF (10 mb download) - SLC Mayoral Questionnaire, Wasatch Crest Trail, Max Testa Interview, Endurance Racing, Gate City Grind, Cycling Posture, Price Mountain Biking, Biking in SE Asia Commuter Column, Results, Commuter Column, Calendar and More!
Pick up a copy at your favorite bike shop or other location today.
July 2007 Issue is now available as a PDF (11 mb download) - Hit and Run, Tendon Health, Deer Valley NORBA, High Uintas, Chain Repair, Mid Mountain Trail, Commuter Column, Mountain Biking the Grand Staircase, Results , Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
Solitude Intermountain Cup Photos are posted here Enjoy!
Darek Leyde Downtown Crit Photos are posted here Enjoy!
June 2007 Issue is now available as a PDF (9 mb download) - Safe Riding Tips, Annual Club Guide Part II, Circumnavigating the Great Salt Lake, Bear Road Race, Draper ICS, Canyons of the Wasatch part II, Sophie's Ride to School Day, Results , Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
May 2007 Issue is now available as a PDF (9.6 mb download) - Bike Month Preview, Annual Club Guide Part I, Disc Brakes, East Canyon Road Race, Cholla Challenge, Canyons of the Wasatch, Complete Streets in Utah County, Results , Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
April 2007 Issue is now available as a PDF (10.1 mb download) - Desert Rampage, Skinny Tire Festival, Lunch with Jeff and Burke, Round Valley Loop, Randonneuring, Rides for the Younges Cyclists, Results , Commuter Column, Calendar and More!
March 2007 Issue is now available as a PDF (9.2 mb download) - Dream Tour, Frozen Hog, Cotton Bottom Loop, Utah Velodrome?, Shopping for a Used Bike, Reynolds profile, SLC Helmet Law Controversy, Results , Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
Fall/Winter 2006 Issue is now available as a PDF (4.3 mb download) - Rider of the Year Awards, Border to Border Record, Lotoja, 24 Hours of Moab, Bikes for Kids, Confluence Overlook Trail, Heber Century, Results , Commuter Column, Calendar and More! |
December 12 - Cyclocross Race Photos from races 3, 5 and 9 posted on our photo gallery |
September/October 2006 Issue is now available as a PDF (5 mb download) - Tour of Utah Wrapup, Pedicabs, Another Rider Killed, Solamere Trail, Brian Head NORBA, Complete Streets, Commuter Column, Calendar and More!
August 27 -- September is Curb Your Car Month. Read more here.
July 16 -- Get ready for the Tour of Utah August 7-12. All the top domestic pro road teams wil be there! For more info visit TourofUtah.com
July 12 -- NORBA Nationals at Deer Valley Photos from the Pro races here.
Solitude ICS photos posted here.
The Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee is seeking volunteers to survey/comment on the remaining routes oftheir county mapping project and the final design of the county bikeways map. See www.slcbac.org for more details.
May 4 -- East Canyon Road Race Photos Posted
(Also Hell of the North, RMR Crits) Here
April 19 - Share the Road Sign to be placed April 22nd where Bill Corliss was killed - Cyclists encouraged to attend. Story and Info here. |
4-2-06 -- Hell of the North and RMR photo galleries posted here. |
Allan Butler Photo Gallery
October 27 -- Salt Lake City Pedal Pass Available free Here . Get discounts at various Salt Lake City and County Businesses and Restaurants when you ride your bike in.
August 18 -- 2004 Park City Cycling Festival Photos Posted
Men's 30-34 Criterium, Men's 30-34 Road Race, Men's 35-39 Criterium, Men's 35-39 Road Race, Men's 40-44 Criterium, Men's 45-49 Criterium, Men's 50-54 Road Race Start, Men's 55-59 Road Race Start, Men's Espoir Criterium, Women's 30-34 Road Race, Women's 35-39 Road Race, Women's 40-44 Road Race, Women's 45-49 Road Race
Festival Info: http://www.parkcitycyclingfest.com
Visit our New PHOTO GALLERY. Downtown Criterium, 5-Mile Pass, Hell of the North 2004 Photos, Snowbird Hillclimb 2003, Solitude and Snowbird ICS 2003 and more!